
NEW Spring? + Sales on Sales!?

The Sister Studio 3/10 4:18A Jennifer Reed
Happy Monday my friends! I hope everyone has had a restful weekend and is ready to take on the week ahead! I have a jam packed newsletter today, including our Life in Lilac Spring launch , some really...


The Middle Page 3/4 4:06A Cathy Williamson
THE POWER OF MATCHING SETS: FASHION MADE EASY Hello, ladies, it s finally March! January seemed to last so long, and February was a blink! I, for one, am so glad the days are getting longer and the...

Did Someone Say AMAZON!??

The Sister Studio 3/1 3:27A Jennifer Reed
Happy Friday, y all! I can t believe today is the last day of February January felt like an eternity and this month has just flown by! I rounded up all of my Amazon favorites from the month here for y...

This Week’s TOP PICKS!???

The Sister Studio 2/17 5:59A Jennifer Reed
Happy Monday, my friends! I hope all of you are getting to enjoy a long weekend! I got up early this morning and combed through all the sales happening today, and rounded them all up here for you...


The Middle Page 2/6 4:33A Cathy Williamson
FAUX FUR VEST PLUS VALENTINE S DAY GIFTS Hello, ladies! I hope you have had a great week so far! I ve been playing catch-up after our trip to Ojai Valley last weekend. We had such a good time...


The Sister Studio 2/6 4:22A Jennifer Reed
Hellllo my friends, and happy Thursday! This is my first ever All things Target newsletter I thought it would be a fun series to start with y all and round up all my recent Target finds in one place...

My Weekly Favorites!???

The Sister Studio 1/26 4:16A Jennifer Reed
Good morning and happy Sunday, my friends! Our weekend has consisted of soccer, soccer, and more soccer, LOL! I hope everyone has had a relaxing weekend so far and that you all get to soak in a nice,...

Don’t Miss This!!???

The Sister Studio 1/12 4:52A Jennifer Reed
Happy, happy Sunday my friends! I m enjoying a slow morning here with my coffee, snuggled up because it s SO cold here this morning. My kids had snow days last Thursday and Friday, so it made the...


The Middle Page 1/4 6:07A Cathy Williamson
NEW DENIM STYLES Happy New Year! I hope you all had a wonderful holiday season! Ours was full of family (minus a few) and friends and was a lot of fun! My poor brother (younger) ended up in the...


The Sister Studio 12/29 5:36A Jennifer Reed
Happy happy Sunday, my friends! I hope you all had the best time this week with your families and loved ones. I can t believe it s almost 2025! I thought it would be fun to share several of the MOST...
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